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do you ever wonder what god is doing in your life? 

If so, you are not alone.
Hello, my name is Valerie Faust.
My hope for this ministry is that
it would help you understand
how God is at work in your life, how His Truth applies to your whole life, and how you are called to uniquely serve Him.

a new journey

After serving for three and a half years as a Campus Minister with the CCO, the Coalition for Christian Outreach, and eight years as the Executive Director of a faith-based nonprofit, I discovered my passion for helping others understand how God is at work in their lives.

That's why I am so excited to embark on this new journey of starting a public teaching ministry dedicated to empowering others to believe & trust God, embrace His calling on their lives, and equip them for the good works He has prepared in advance for them
to do.

seek & serve

Because that’s the truth – He has good works that He’s prepared in advance for you to do. (Eph 2:10) But, while it’s easy to quote the Bible, it’s another thing to actually trust in God and believe Him.
 That’s why it’s my prayer that my words & writing here would not only help you discover something new about yourself, God, or your relationship with Him, but to also help you translate that Truth into real transformation in your life. 


So, if sharing any of my stories & the lessons I have learned – and continue to learn – can help inspire you to seek & serve Him more intentionally, well, then, praise be to God. 

join the journey: seeking & serving together 

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engage with val

With a unique ministry focus on teaching, worship, and meditation combined, I seek to create space for men & women to truly encounter God in a meaningful way.
I am available for: workshops/conferences, keynote talks, and one-on-one or small group mentoring. I regularly teach on topics relating to spiritual formation, purpose discovery, and leadership development.
To learn more about having me join your church, group, or organization, you can follow the link below or contact me through the form here. I look forward to connecting & collaborating together!

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